We work extremely hard to provide a legendary customer experience to all our customers. We ACTUALLY answer our phone, we ACTUALLY answer our live chats and we ACTUALLY answer our e-mails.  Who would have thought that these simple actions would be uncommon?  We pride ourselves on offering unparalleled support, and when you purchase anything from boydsolar.com, you have automatically signed up for the full experience.

We have invested in a full blown customer support team that is primed and ready to help you out with whatever you may need.  In order for our team to help you effectively, there are a few things we need you to do first.

    • ** For any and all issues regarding shipping, please go to this page here and follow the steps listed. **

The most common way that customers reach out to us, and the most effective way to get help is through e-mail.  If you follow the (5) steps below and send us an e-mail, our CS team will be able to help you properly.

Need Help?  Follow these 5 steps before reaching out via e-mail:

    • 1. Please reach out with the e-mail you used to place your order.
    • 2. Please know your order number and the name the order was placed under.
    • 3. If you are having issues with a product, include a few photos and a short 15-30 second video of what is happening.
    • 4. If there is a serial number on your item, take a photo of it and include that in the e-mail
    • 5. Include all context and information that will let the customer support team understand what is going on.

You can also reach out here if you have any other questions or concerns.

If you call in for phone support, we ask that you please know your order number.  If you cannot find your order number, please know the name associated with your order. 

    • ex: If your name is John Doe, but the order was placed under your wife’s name, Jane Doe, please tell our customer support team “Jane Doe” so that they can find your order.

When you call in to our customer support team, they will be able to help you, but they will need to move your ticket into e-mail in order to fully complete your support ticket.  This is why we simply suggest starting with an e-mail using the steps outlined above.

That being said, we always answer our phones, so in order to make the experience more efficient, please have as much relevant information handy as possible.

– The boydsolar Team